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What is On-Page SEO for Small Business Owner Websites.

What is On-page SEO

On-page SEO can be the words on a page. Exactly like the words you read in a book (hopefully you read books? I am still trying to increase my readings for fun.)

There are other elements that are part of On-page SEO: but for now, we will go over the words to explain what is on-page SEO.

The written words that describe whatever you are selling is what I am referring to. They are called paragraphs and also content, and some tiny parts are called keywords. (the keywords are what we are talking about in this post).

Paragraphs Are Where On-Page SEO Happens

When you create a website (Wix is my choice of platform – by the way) it will have “content” paragraphs; words under images (example). These paragraphs have sentences explaining the service or product you are selling. And you will have ideally (one) keyword on each page that you are targeting (to stay organized) and hopefully you will keep it to one keyword per 100 words (to avoid getting penalized by search engines).


More importantly, you will also likely include a headline (you must include headlines – please).

People, including yourself, are likely only to scan headlines than read any lengthy content. And again, keywords will be in your content which are your paragraphs. And even though potential customers (per stats) will not likely read any of your content (especially if too long) the search engines


Nobody is Reading These Days (goldfish brain span)

Search engines such as: (in order of preference) Google, Bing or Yahoo like to read that content. And they are looking at each page of your website for keywords on your page (on-page SEO).

Yes, that is what they are looking for (Am I the only one that gets anxiety at ending a sentence with a preposition?)

Search engines love keywords. (Like the cookie monster on Sesame Street)

Keywords (part of on-page SEO) indicate to these search engines what your page is about (or each landing page or the home page). By the way if you reading each word of my blog (you are not a goldfish).

Seed Keyword

So, here we go. I sell marketing services. I am a copywriter. I write ads to sell a product. I do not write content that lacks sales words.

Most my content has intent behind it. So, as a former salesperson for over 20+ years, I have learned to solve potential customers pain points. And now, I don’t speak it, but I write it. That is copy-writing. (just a little more information for you).

When I market my own service, I conduct market research on words (keywords) and how much volume they have in a month. I also look to see if they have intent (they are a phrase with a keyword).

I do not want to waste people’s time by attracting the wrong customers. (This real estate “landing page” needs to have the right “keywords+intent” property on it so I can get a sale).

So, I researched a couple of words today; and I implemented them on my main page. Which is my home page and typically the landing page that I use to direct traffic to. (hearing my English teacher telling me not to end a sentence with a preposition ...grrr).

Just Like Ice Cream Sprinkles

I can sprinkle the word “marketing” all over my page and in different paragraphs. And even though the word “marketing” has a high search volume (let us say over 40,000 searches a month) it can help to get those eyes on my page. But it is very likely that many and many other websites are using that same word. It can take years to rank if I choose the most popular keywords.

Use Keywords with Intent and Low Search Volume

So, I typically will focus on many keywords such as “marketing” but with more words attached and with a lower search volume. Big chance that others are greedy, and they will try to rank for keywords with a high search volume but no intent and with this – I am likely not going to win on search engine ranking organically with my on-page SEO. (I mean this is about winning the traffic). So, I include keywords that have a low search volume (those are still paying customers that can likely convert).

Be Clear on What Your Service Solves or The Benefit

I go after intent to solve the pain point of a potential small business owner that needs “marketing by a consultant.” Fat chance, they want to save money and hire direct. So, they are not going to type in the search words “marketing by a marketing agency.” Or a small business owner that needs "marketing strategies for a small business." And "marketing" is in that sentence.

Make it Easy for the Potential Customer to Buy

So, in review, I would prefer to use my landing pages to get the right people in my direction. So, I research further. I still include the main keyword “marketing.” However, I also might include “marketing consultant for small business owners.” And I have included that within every 100 words.

Not the Back Button

The last thing I want is someone to land on my page because they thought it was a course on “marketing.” An then they almost immediately clicking that back button.

It will signal to search engines such as (my favorite) Google that my page is not optimized for search engines. And with this, they will stop sending me increased organic traffic over time. That is not what you or I want.

Bounce Rate

And it will increase my bounce rate (which is a signal that my on-page SEO is poor). An ideal bounce rate range is 40% and under. Anything higher, or at 70%, is an indicator that people are leaving the page as soon as they can click the back button. They hate the page experience.

On-page SEO

Further analysis. An example of on-page SEO. If I include phrases that have the keyword+intent then I can (over time) start to attract organic (free) traffic to my website. This is only one part of SEO for your pages.

Do Your Future Self a Favor. Hire Someone Who Wants You To Win Too.

If you need help optimizing for on-page SEO then reach out.

For only $120 (unless there is a promotion), I offer up to an hour consulting and all you must do is take notes and implement those changes on your website.

Reach me 7 days a week (by appointment) and let us get this going.

Free traffic is free traffic. Get on-page SEO started as soon as you can. It can take 6 month to several years to compete with a new website.

Book at my landing page, which is my home page.

Or email directly

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